Saturday, July 21, 2007

Deathly Suspense

Will Harry die??I am consumed by that one so many others round the world will be,this morn..I hope he lives..


Musku said...

An answer can be picked up in two ways - first way is to take the help of the heart & second one is .. yes -> Go to the brain.
Here, my brain says "Hero" cannot be killed.
However, its upto the Author's heart to take that decision :-)

Abhi said...

I wish she kills him and ends the series. Its gone too far from the magical fantasy it was supposed to be. She's making it too complex and too big a story in the last few books that it's hard to keep track of the storyline and also hard to get hold of a copy coz of the pricetags. I just hope this is the last time we see of Harry Potter!

manoranjini said...

thats heartless of u abhi..well,the suspense is now out and the 'boy-who-lived',lives on..about HP getting darker and comlpex,remember the hero is growing up and so are the original target readers,so the author could not have gone on with fancy flying cars and talking portraits forever..things had to screw up ,rit?Hp7 has a conclusive ending,a decisive victory of good over evil,and something of the life afterwards too,so i don't think we will get to see more of harry and his friends..good bye to the effortless imaginary world that came to life with each one of the harry potter books,and good bye to 'children's fiction' once again,,

gasmutai said...

Compared to the others in the series, the most expected last book disappointed me... Might be that I was missing action @ Hogwarts ... Hogwarts is so much an imp character as Harry, and having less of it seems to have dampened the effects...